A lesson in Remixology

The above mention mix-up usually drives me crazy and that’s when I call on the powers of the remixology to cure my insanity. It’s a wonderful thing these remixes. Some obscure artist takes one of your favorite songs, mutilates it, dismembers it, and then piles it together expecting us fans to find the new beheaded being attractive. Amazingly, these cut-ups sometimes become beautiful reinterpretations of the original as the following list displays. This goes out to all of you who are having a rough week and need a little help making it through “hump day.”
P.S. We love you JAX.
[www] The Little Ones – Lovers Who Uncover (Crystal Castles Remix)
[www] Mia Doi Todd – My Room Is White (Flying Lotus Remix)
[www] Thom Yorke - The Clock (Surgeon Remix)
[www] Grizzly Bear - Knife (Girl Talk Remix)
[www] The Knife - We Share Our Mother's Health (Ratatat Remix)
[www] Thom Yorke - Analyse (Various Remix)