Broken Social Scene Presents: Kevin Drew – Spirit If…

It’s interesting how Kevin Drew, the mastermind/co-founder/baby genius behind the Broken Social Scene phenomena, is taking stock in the BSS Corporation by giving the brand name band a sponsorship role in the release of his new album. It’s a pretty straightforward marketing ploy on Drew’s part but it’s not an unjustifiable gesture. Spirit If… plays under the same umbrella as its parent company but without much of the bravado and side stepping through genre and songwriting identities that the previous BSS albums have done. But there in lies the paradox with this whole Spirit If… project where guest appearances come from many of those who frequent the amoeba like organism that is Broken Social Scene. Is it another BSS album that just got stamped with an ego trip of a title or is it truly a solo effort that the title somewhat suggests? Fortunately at the end of the day I’m not finding myself hitting my head against the curb as I try to make ends meet in the soundness of my little paradoxical observation. I’m just stoked there are some new kick ass tunes to make me feel something.
[mp3] Kevin Drew – Back Out On The...
| Official Site | Myspace | More mp3s | Buy Spirit If… |
Labels: Broken Social Scene, Kevin Drew
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