Briertone and the modern western

Far enough from civilization, the cowboy travels to the sounds of the open west to bury his sins beneath blood red sand that houses more than a few ghosts. On his knees, his fingernails filled, he pulls handful upon handful of desert dust from a hole in the ground. Your face is down there, down deep in that hole, a memory of love forgotten in places that need be forgotten. In Death Valley the dead creep low and the city folk hide fast.
[mp3] Briertone – Behold
[mp3] Briertone – Strawfoot (16 Horsepower Cover)
These are the visions from Briertone's Sojourners EP, a collection of songs that embody Briertone's mission of shelling out "truth spoken by lyric and melody." Our dear JAX loves the Briertone boys and has followed them around at their latest stints in LA and our hometown, Costa Mesa. Enjoy her pics. Our sources say that they throw down a crazy good live show so we’ll for sure see you out there at Briertone’s upcoming shows. Consider it Mandatory Attendence. Also, be sure to check out Briertone’s acoustic set at Swinghouse.
9/22/06 – El Cid
9/26/06 – Knitting Factory
10/9/06 – Detroit Bar