As we pulled up to the Echo on Friday night, the huge line outside the club reminded us how smart we were for buying tickets early. It also reminded us that our tickets were still at home. Not a good start considering we live off Wilshire and the 405 (about an hour round trip for you non-Los Angelites). So we're not catching The Figurines tonight, but with enough high-speed maneuvers, we'd make it in time for Cold War Kids. Braedon was more responsible than us, and made it for The Figurines opening set (photos below). He gave it two thumbs up, and I believe him.It's 10:15 and we're sitting front and center, waiting for Cold War Kids to begin like nothing has happened. What looks like the band's continued sound check, suddenly turns into a lamenting piano ballad - the train's left the station. The band quickly picks up pace with a slew of Up in Rags favorites, refusing to give the audience a moment's breath. Cold War Kids is a bullet train.
I really enjoyed the band's EPs prior to the show; however, since the 16th of June, I have developed an obsession. When "Hospital Beds" comes through my speakers, I now hear the energized live version. I spoke to Whiskas (guitarist from Forward Russia) after their set the next day, and he couldn't picture CWK playing a rockin set. It's nothing I can explain, but if you see them live you will understand.
[mp3] Cold War Kids - Hospital Beds
Tapes n' Tapes are ready to begin their first song, and it's clear they have a lot to live up to. Not only do they have a bombardment of internet press to justify, they are also following up a 10.0 performance by Cold War Kids. Without a hint of doubt, Tapes jammed out an exciting, guitar heavy set.
While the song arrangements are generally simple, the band's full-bodied sound and addictive melodies left me more than satisfied. It was the type of show that puts a big smile on my face. I didn't look behind me much, but I can assume everyone was having a blast. Tapes covered most of The Loon, and dove into some new material as well. Don't ask me for a setlist, because I don't even know where to begin.
[mp3] Tapes n' Tapes - Cowbell
Thank you to Braedon for taking some of the best photos this site has ever seen.