Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Who'd Ever Thought You'd Join A Band?

Disaster…devastation…you lied to me. With song titles like that you would seem to have a fresh pile of emo poop ready to ooze through your headphones or at least a trinity of thrown out NIN b-sides. It’s even hard to imagine that songs titled with so much angst and despair could be filled with an equal amount of anthem beauty. Somewhere during the love making sessions of Low and Pink Floyd, the Besnard Lakes escaped to produce some mutant beauty of epic, sonic anthems based around rocking riff management and choral co-ed arrangements that are as beautiful in their construction as they are in their destruction. Everything on the Besnard Lakes new album The Besnard Lakes Are The Dark Horse is magnificent from its whispered falsetto invocation through its triple drum kit entendres to the final enveloping doo-wop-to-it backing vocals during the album’s final moments. It’s rock done interesting. But then again, what can you expect from a band who claims its address in Montreal?

[mp3] The Besnard LakesDisaster



Blogger Mike said...

Just got the album 2 days ago, and am getting ready to do a post... really good stuff.

10:06 AM  

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