The Deadly Syndrome and The Happy Hollows rock Let's Independent

Back in October, RC was introduced to The Deadly Syndrome, and quickly deemed them one of our "Fresh Faced Artists." Jumping forward six months, The Deadly Syndrome have raced ahead of the pack and are, in my humble opinion, the best band currently playing in LA. While their four song EP made for a tasty appetizer, I wasn't prepared to knight them as the real deal until I got a bite of the main course. The band recently signed a deal with Dim Mak, and have their debut LP coming out this summer. A few days back I finally got to taste the entree, and all I can say is - yum.
Last week I was lucky enough to attend Radio Free Silver Lake's one year anniversary party, and experience the one-two punch of The Happy Hollows and The Deadly Syndrome. The first left hook came from the female fronted three piece, The Happy Hollows. Taking cues from Deerhoof, The Hollows danced and screamed their way through a series of quick riffed, pop induced rock. I'm a sucker for stage presence, and Sarah's spastic energy kept perfect pace with a set teetering into chaos. With only a handful of recorded songs, The Happy Hollows are another band in need of a full length. Luckily, they have curbed this lack of itunes time, with a consistent dose of local shows.

Staying conscious of their role on stage, The Deadly Syndrome brought a slew of cardboard cut-out ghosts to decorate the set, and assigned themselves proper instrument named t-shirts. All these detailed are evidence that The Deadly's understand the music world, and know what it takes to stand out. Of course, all these additions would mean nothing if the music wasn't great, but since I've had "Eucalyptus" playing in my head for about five days, their onstage inventions are icing on the cake.

The Deadly Syndrome:
04/03/07 Cinespace
04/14/07 Spaceland (w/ The Happy Hollows)
04/21/07 ExPlx (w/ The Klaxons)
[mp3] The Deadly Syndrome - Eucalyptus (EP version)
[mp3] The Happy Hollows - Vietnam

note: More photos from the show can be viewed at Pictage. You have to set up an quick login, but there are about 50 pics here.
Labels: The Deadly Syndrome, The Happy Hollows
Glad you had a good time! Thanks for coming.
So we take it from that last photo that Boardner's 'No Minorities' policy is still in effect.
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Really awesome post here.!
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