Monday, May 08, 2006

A Silver Mt. Zion to play the Echo

Holy wet my pants in praises to the mother of pearl! When I found out that A Silver Mt. Zion was going to play the Echo this morning I completely forgot the fact that I had only gotten an hour and a half of sleep last night.

For those of you who don't know about the Tra-la-la-band known as Zion, just know that they are a project formed by three members of the apocalyptic instrumental outfit Godspeed You Black Emperor! (the exclamation point is actually supposed to be there). The major difference between the two is that A Silver Mt. Zion features one instrument that Godspeed doesn't...a human voice.

So come one come all to see the magnificent experience of the Tra-la-la-band coming to a theater near you come August. Tickets are now on sale.

8/22/06 - Echo (tix)

A Silver Mt. Zion on Myspace


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